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  SAS Institute logo.    Rename rather than copy variables.

Another  dataset option which is frequently overlooked is the rename option. The area where it often becomes the most misused is when a version of the same data requires a different variable name, and a new variable is created which is a copy of the old one. For example, if a list of customer details is read and processed, and a format is to be created for later subsetting. Rather than creating a new variable called Start, renaming the old variable on the output dataset will be more efficient.


Data AccList(Keep=DistAcc Prodcode)
  Format(Drop=Prodcode Rename=(DistAcc=Start));
    Retain FMTName ‘@KEEPAC’ Label 1 HLO ‘ ‘;
Infile Inventory EOF=Label;
Input @15 ProdCode $6. @;
If Prodcode In (’A12345’,’A23456’,’A34567’);
Input @1  DistAcc $10.;
Label:DistAcc=’ ‘;